There should be more hours in the day.

I’m having one of those days where I feel like I’ve abandoned the blog. I know it’s only been a week, but I’m definitely struggling with the aspect of ‘not enough hours in the day’.

I already have been getting up earlier than normal to work on the photography business (editing and the etsy shop), and then I’m at work from about 8:30-5 (and usually get a run in on my lunch hour. Also, I love my job.), and then it’s time to head home, make dinner and spend time with the other half. At this point, we’re usually just trying to catch up on our favorite shows, or I’m reading a book. Sometimes, depending on how many shoots I’ve had, it’s back to do some more editing. We’re usually in bed around 8 PM since we’re both up early.

So needless to say, I’m having a hard time attempting to fit the blogging in too.

I know. The answer is to start planning posts, and scheduling them ahead.

Yes – easier said than done. Especially when you don’t really have the time to brainstorm, write, edit, schedule, etc. It’s a challenge. And I’m totally envious of all of those bloggers out there who can do it.

My goal for this blog wasn’t to post each day about what I did that day, what I wore, what I ate, etc. It was created to be a creative outlet for me. However, lately, I’m feeling like I’m even lacking there. And I’m even putting pressure on myself to be that blogger who posts daily.

But I’m taking a step back. I don’t HAVE to write daily. I don’t HAVE to write if I don’t want too, or if inspiration hasn’t hit. I wish I could be like my favorite blogs I read every day. I really do. Their blogs look amazing, they appear effortless, and are so much fun to read. I look forward to them every day (you can check a few of my favorites out in my Blog Roll!). But right now, I just don’t have the time to devote here every day. My life is busy. And I want this blog to be enjoyable, for all parties. It’s not fun for any of you reading this for me to just be ranting about my day (kind of like I’m doing here… I suppose….sorry!). I mean, unless something interesting happened of course!

So, if I’m coming to realize that it’s okay if I disappear. I never set a standard that I’d post every day. I simply wanted this as an outlet to write, whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. Hence why it’s a glimpse into my life. So back to the roots I go. A little of this, a little of that, with some healthy living stuff, and some photography, and just all around me.

But only when I feel like it of course. (Hopefully that will be a little bit more often!)

And thanks to all who subscribes, follows, stops by, and so on. I really do appreciate each and every one of you. I’m glad to know my rantings are enjoyed…. at least some of the time 😉


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